Shows: St. Charles '09

Here are more photos of the 2009 St. Charles Railroadiana Show generously provided by Rob Hoffer. Thanks to Rob and all those collectors and dealers who made their items available for photography! Please Note: We do not record or keep information on ownership, price or current availability of any items shown, so requests for such information cannot be answered.

Photos are spread over multiple pages; links are at the bottom of each page. Click on each image for a larger version, but note that these are *big* files, so download times may be **slow** for a modem connection. Use your BACK button to return from the large photos.

Above. A number plate from a Chicago, Burlington & Quincy steam locomotive; a number plate and associated photo from a Baltimore & Ohio Q-4 steam locomotive; a table of assorted builder's plates; a table of assorted diesel locomotive builder's plates. 
Above. A poster from the "North Shore Line"; a service place marked for the Missouri Pacific; a station sign from the Pennsylvania Railroad; assorted railroad-marked silver.
Above. A display of railroad dining car items; a coffee pot marked for the Southern Pacific; two views of a smoking stand from the Santa Fe.
Above. Two views of a Southern Pacific drumhead; a brasstop lantern with a red cast globe from the St. Joseph & Grand Island; a bellbottom lantern from the South Side Elevated.
Above. Two views of a brass-plated presentation lantern; a Vesta lantern with a red cast globe from the Pittsburgh & Lake Erie; a bellbottom lantern with a clear cast globe from the Chicago & West Michigan (possibly).

That's all!

Thanks to the photographer and to everyone
who let their items be photographed.