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Fake and Reproduction Lantern Globes
Railroad lantern globes have been subject to counterfeiting, and as globe prices continue to escalate, new reports continue to surface. The following information on known or suspected fakes and reproductions has been obtained from various sources judged to be knowledgeable and accurate. The information is presented with "honest intentions"; however we cannot guarantee complete accuracy, so please use this information as advisory only -- see Disclaimer . Categories include fake globes marked with decals, fake cast globes, fake etched globes and unmarked globes. A separate page deals with a controversial two-color globe, which may or may not be fake. Fake Globes Marked with Decals Barn lanterns (see page on this style) have shown up in internet auctions with globes marked with railroad logo decals. In pictures, the markings look like they are etched markings, but sources indicate that they are in fact decals. Such decals would be fairly easy to spot in person but more difficult in a computer image. The markings that have been reported are a Northern Pacific logo (one version has the famous Northern Pacific "monad" logo misaligned on its side!), a B&O logo ("all trains run via Washington") and a Santa Fe logo. Very few lanterns of the 'barn lantern style' are known to have been used by steam railroads. The majority of railroad-related markings that show up on barn lanterns are traction, interurban, or streetcar lines. It is certainly possible that unknown but legitimate barn lanterns marked for steam railroads will surface in the future. However, since tubular barn lanterns are still being manufactured and since it is relatively easy to mark a globe with decals or even etched markings, collectors should be especially wary. Cast globes are globes in which the initials or names of railroads are cast into the glass. Such globes are susceptible to fraud since glassmakers, including some of the original globe manufacturers, have the production resources to make new cast globes, and reportedly some of the original glass molds have survived. In general, custom globe production is expensive, and this, combined with the consequences of flooding the market with quantities of supposedly rare globes, would seem to make such an effort economically unfeasible. Nevertheless, there are a number of fake cast globes that have hit the market, including one that surfaced very recently. By far the most common "style" of fake cast globe is well
known and, fortunately, easy to identify. This is a tall (5 3/8")
globe in which the railroad marking is contained within a four-sided "trapezoid" border
whereby the top horizontal line is longer than the bottom. HOWEVER....there does appear to be at least one globe marking with a
Buyer beware!
Etched globes were usually marked by the use of acid applied over a stencil such that the railroad initials or names were etched into the surface of the glass. There is also reliable information that some markings on globes were actually accomplished with sandblasting rather than acid, although for purposes here we'll consider these under "etched globes". Since either process is theoretically easier to duplicate that casting molten glass, many collectors are particularly cautious about buying etched globes. At present, we have definite information on one counterfeit etched globe: a blue, short (3.5 inch) globe with a large, very prominent Pennsylvania Railroad keystone logo etched into the surface. This globe reportedly was produced by blowing rather than casting so it has no vertical mold mark down the side. In addition to this, the consensus among collectors is that there are definitely other counterfeit etched globes, maybe some that are "one of a kind", so "buyer beware" is the rule. Here are some points that have been suggested by various collectors to keep in mind:
In addition, here is a comment by one experienced collector, Bill Kajdzik: Faked "etched" globes have always been an issue with collectors. Even the term "etched" is a little misleading since the railroads and lantern manufacturers pretty much abandoned acid etching in the early 1900's in favor of sandblasting. Genuine sandblasted globes are usually not a work of art, that is, the resultant "etching" is not applied consistently, not very "deep" and not in ornate lettering. An etched Kopp globe would be pretty rare and an etched globe like the globes being sold by Adlake today would most certainly be suspect. I know for a fact that Handlan was still sandblasting globes for the railroads into the 1970's. These included the 3 1/4 globes as well as their 4 1/2 sizes. Some looked better than others but none were very deeply etched and all were done with very plain letters. The best defense is knowledge. Genuine globes should all have similar letter styles for a given railroad. Railroad shows, other peoples collections, the pictures on eBay, and the info on the hobby web sites should give collectors a pretty good selection to learn from. Certainly etched globes are one of the easiest things to fake if someone set their mind to it. So just make sure you really want it, it compares pretty well to others you have seen, and are willing to pay the price for something that later may turn out to be suspect. There is probably a lot more to learn about counterfeit etched globes that are out there, and perhaps some better methods can be developed for distinguishing the originals from the fakes. Strictly speaking, the question of fraud does not apply to unmarked globes unless the issue concerns age. Unmarked short globes and conductors' lantern globes are still being produced, and collectors cannot assume that even tall unmarked globes are old. At least one documented instance of a production of colored tall globes was reported in "Key, Lock & Lantern" in the early 1980's. Using an original globe mold, someone sponsored production runs of approximately 130-200 tall globes in the following colors: dark green, blue, "honey yellow" and orange yellow. In addition, a dozen clear and red tall globes were made. The person who did this claimed that he produced them "for the hobby" without intention of deceiving collectors. There may be other instances of the recent production of unmarked tall globes as well, so collectors should enjoy these for what they are and not assume they necessarily saw actual railroad use. In addition to tall globes, there are reports of a recently-made green-over-clear globe that fits a presentation or conductors lantern. The recent version differs from the authentic older version in that it was dipped to obtain the two-color appearance; the older ones were actually two pieces of glass joined together and have a ridge where the two colors meet. Thanks to Ken Stavinoha, Chris Marotte, Tom Stranko, Doug McIntyre, Howard Holland, Joe Farrell and members of the rrdiana.nshore list. |