Here are photos from the Jacksonville, Florida
Railroadiana Show held in February, 2009, courtesy of Bo Brown. Click
on the thumbnails below for larger images -- which are *big* files
so download times may be **slow** for a modem connection.
Above left to right. Various displays of railroad china showing a wide range of different patterns.
Above left to right. An oak ticket cabinet; a "Queen & Crescent Route" calendar from 1906; a table of mostly dining car silver; a clipboard from the Buffalo Central Terminal.
Above left to
right. Butter pats in the following patterns from upper left, clockwise: the "Palmetto" pattern of the Atlantic Coast Line, the "Susquehanna" pattern of the Erie Railroad, the "Washington Terminal" pattern of same, and the "Congressional" pattern of the Pennsylvania Railroad; a dinner plate in the Great Northern's "Glory of the West" pattern; two different Missouri Pacific service plates; a gravy boat in the Southern Railway's "Peach Blossom" pattern.
Above left to right. A Pullman Porter hat; a logo sign from the Atlantic Coast Line; a name train sign used in a station; a logo sign from the Erie Railroad.
Above left to right. An sign advertising Lehigh Valley anthracite coal; another name train sign used in a station; a logo sign from the Pennsylvania Railroad; a "Camp Reservation Desk" sign from the Southern Railway.
Above left to right. A display of railroad silver; a stepstool from the Missouri Pacific Railway; a passenger representative hat from the Southern Pacific Company; an Adams & Westlake Kero lantern with a green-etched globe from the Southern Railway.
Above left to right. A Keystone Casey lantern with a clear cast globe from the Norfolk Southern (the original Norfolk Southern); a Pullman Company conductor's lantern; an Adams & Westlake Reliable with a clear cast globe from the Carolina, Clinchfield & Ohio; a display of conductor's lanterns.
Thanks to Bo Brown for all photos!
Also thanks to everyone who let their items be photographed.