Shown below are more rare telegraphy devices used in railroad
operations. See first page on railroad telegraphy for
introductory information. These devices are from the Clyde Conrow collection.
Information and photos are courtesy of Tom Stranko.
Above Left: A Western Union
1886 patent key. Above Right: A key manufactured by Western
Electric Co, New York, Pat Dec 21, 1886. |
Above Left: The high speed
key used by Clyde's father, Byron, as an NYO&W telegrapher. Above
Right: JH Bunnell Co USA patent side operating key (rare). |
Above: Telegraph
code practice unit. The insulated bakelite and aluminum cylinder
rotates with a victrola-like clockwork mechanism that is adjustable
for speed. A battery and sounder repeat the coded message for the
person learning to decode. Different code cylinders were available
to practice with. A later version of this training device used
a 1/2 " paper tape with holes and slots cut out representing
dots and dashes. |
Above Left: A JH Bunnell code
signal repeater, used at the end of a long wire to re-transmit
the code with the original electrical strength. Above Right: A
single line "switchboard" but allowing 3 instrument connections
to the line. This board has an attached lightening arrestor. The
manufacturer was Tillotson Co. |
Above Left: Clyde pointing to a more standard 6 line switchboard
that allows any of 9 instrument lines to be connected to any of
the 6 wires coming into the building. Above Right: A "legless" key
(possibly a wireless key) by Bunnell. |
Thanks to Tom Stranko for the material on this page and
to Clyde Conrow for allowing his collection to be photographed.